We live in very exciting times! Everywhere you look, there are technological developments and eye-catching headlines promising new cures for cancer, infertility, pelvic pain and pretty much everything else. But these are also scary times, where it is difficult to know what is fact and what is opinion.
Through social media, you get information from every angle but so much of it is based on that person’s personal experience. Just because that contraception worked for them, how do you know it can work for you? If they got pregnant within a month and they used the pill, will you conceive immediately when you come off too?
This is where the OBGYN mum comes in…
My Background
My name is Brooke Vandermolen, and I am an NHS doctor currently working and training as a Registrar in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (or OBGYN as it is known in America!) in London. I have experience clinically, dealing with all aspects of women’s health and pregnancy, including assessing patients with a range of gynaecological concerns, and performing and assisting in surgical procedures.
My research in the fields of maternal medicine and high-risk pregnancy has been presented at major international conferences and published in prominent medical journals.
Much more exciting than this, however, is that I recently became a mother myself. Experiencing pregnancy and labour as a patient was one of the most transformative experiences of my career. This new perspective drove me to seek out and share answers to the questions I had myself when I was pregnant.
My goals as The OBGYN Mum
One of my greatest passions is sharing evidence-based information to help women understand their bodies, as well as their choices, when it comes to pregnancy, birth, periods, sex and the other issues women regularly brush under the carpet, or present to doctors far too late with.
I created my educational platform “The OBGYN mum” via which I share insights and tips around pregnancy, birth, fertility, menopause and more through social media and blog posts. I aim to empower women by imparting knowledge in a relatable way and simplifying common issues.
As an experienced medical writer, I have been featured in a range of UK media outlets such as The Telegraph and The Huffington Post. Breaking down complex medical subjects into easily digestible and readable facts has also been popular with brands looking to provide content and information to their customers and followers.
I have worked with a variety of companies, such as Holland & Barratt and Elvie, to create social media content, write and edit product materials and press releases. I help to support brands and ensure information they wish to share is factually correct and evidence based.
So welcome to my blog! If theres an area to do with Womens’ Health that you want help with, don’t hesitate to ask!