It’s the eternal struggle and something us millennials definitely seem to worry about, more than previous generations. If you return to work after having a baby, you feel huge guilt for leaving your children with someone else to care for them. If you choose to stay home you feel guilt if you resent them for your change of path.
And then there’s the extra challenge for those who choose to continue ‘flexible’ work, perhaps running your own business or managing your hours by working for a company remotely. This is not the easy option it may appear, and is also a constant balancing act.

For those of you returning to work soon, or considering how they would manage the balance, here are some of the things that work for me:
💼If you are returning part- time think carefully about your day off. It s tempting to pick Monday/ friday for the 3 day weekend, but I loved having a Thursday to break the week as it meant it didn’t feel like mummy was away too long.
💼Efficiency is key. You will want to leave on time, and avoid bringing work home with you, so invariably you will have to work harder whilst you are there!
💼Block out time at home to focus exclusively on your children, and try to keep it protected. I try to keep the hour before bed clear, and that way if you have to leave early before they wake or have to work later, you know they will have had some focused parent time.
💼Pick childcare options with minimal travelling time.
💼Book annual leave as soon as you can! Check the nursery/ school diary as most of your colleagues will want holiday at the same times.
💼Make use of nap times. I keep my laptop in my bag (see this AMAZING changing bag which fits enough stuff for 2 kids as well). If we are doing a walking nap, I will stop at a coffee shop – it’s better for their sleep if you aren’t constantly moving the whole nap anyway!
💼Stop the guilt! If you have to work, then you are doing what you need to provide for your kids. You will be their role model, and will still be the best parent by giving them 100% focus when you are present.

Do you have any more tips for working parents? 👇🏼👇🏼
🎒 Jem and Bea Changing bag #gifted
📸 @gabsek