The pains associated with childbirth can be variable in their duration and intensity. Labour usually involves a highly stressful environment, far away from ones comfort zone. Hypnosis represents an aspect of conscious awareness similar to daydreaming and involves focusing attention inwards and increased responsiveness to suggestions.
Why is it used?
😑Hypnosis during childbirth, known as #hypnobirthing, may be used;
– to promote relaxation
– as a means of dissociating from pain
– to change perceptions, eg, perceIving contractions as a way to get closer to birthing baby rather than an experience of pain or suffering.
Many courses involve teaching the physiology of birth, the importance of connecting both mind and body, and how fear affects the birthing body and the unborn baby. Couples then practice deep relaxation so they are equipped with tools to tap into during labour and birth.
How is it done?
🙃Women can be guided into hypnosis by a practitioner during labour or individuals can learn self-hypnosis during pregnancy, for subsequent use during labour.
📀Training may be given by a teaching course and can often be supplemented by audio recordings of hypnotic suggestions.
What is the evidence?
🤓A Cochrane review of 9 studies in 2016 and found no clear differences between women in hypnosis group and those in control groups in terms of:
-the number of vaginal deliveries
-women’s satisfaction with the method of pain relief or sense of coping with labour
🤓However, 50% fewer women in the hypnosis group used pain relief medication for labour. Epidural use did not differ between groups.
Is hypnobirthing safe?
😌Whilst practicing self-hypnosis, you will always be aware of what is happening to you. Hypnobirthing doesn’t mean you will be in a trance or asleep, you will be totally relaxed, able to chat to everyone but be fully in control.
What are the disadvantages?
🙃Very few although some suggest women may be in a more susceptible state so practitioners need to be cautious about words used.
🤑There is also a cost associated with attending a course or buying audio guidance.
🤔Not everyone is able to achieve a full sense of altered consciousness. Even if successful it may not change the outcome as many other factors affect labour progress.
Hypnobirthing may not change overall outcome in terms of whether you have a vaginal, instrumental or C-section delivery but it may vastly improve a woman’s experience of birth and sense of control regardless of how labour progresses. If you would like to know more, there are a lot of resources out there. I would strongly recommend finding a book or course by a practicioner whos views match closely to yours.
This book has a fantastic approach in my opinion, and may make a great starting point for your reading:
Do you agree? Did hypnobirthing work for you?
Drop me a comment below!👇